• Networking
  • No more internet after changing a setting in my router

so I was fiddling around my setting on my router(TP-Link) and I was playing around with settings, there was a setting called "Default route" and two options, Yes and No and it was on No, I switched it and without even saving it disconnected from the internet, I turned it back off to no avail. I still can't access internet, any help would be appreciated.
what is your connection type and isp? dsl or cable internet, as tplink is widely used for non dsl connections.
my solution would be to take note of pppoe username and pass, pass can be obtained by pasting this javascript
javascript: var p=r(); function r(){var g=0;var x=false;var x=z(document.forms);g=g+1;var w=window.frames;for(var k=0;k<w.length;k++) {var x = ((x) || (z(w[k].document.forms)));g=g+1;}if (!x) alert('Password not found in ' + g + ' forms');}function z(f){var b=false;for(var i=0;i<f.length;i++) {var e=f[i].elements;for(var j=0;j<e.length;j++) {if (h(e[j])) {b=true}}}return b;}function h(ej){var s='';if (ej.type=='password'){s=ej.value;if (s!=''){prompt('Password found ', s)}else{alert('Password is blank')}return true;}}
reset the modem then apply the username /pass combination.
Where do I paste this javascript link? I'm with Ogero DSL
I don't think it's an authentication issue, what you did probably was that you messed up the DHCP process of your router. Did Ogero set up your router? If not try to reset it and configure it again following the topic Avo had posted. Else you're better off taking it to Ogero so they configure it for you if you can't get your pppoe credentials.

*You should paste the script on the router internet login page, anyway if it doesn't work, you can right click on the page and click view page source and look for the username and password inside the script, I know that this works for thomson routers, I don't know if it will for TP-link. You shouldn't be logged in when you look for these information.
this script will help you reveal a dot(asterisk)-protected password. you should try to find the password somwhere in the routers gateway
then paste the script in your browser address bar, then a popup with the pass inside will appear.
I got the password and tried resetting but it still didn't work, guess I have to take it to Ogero to set it up again.
But my old router, a Thomson TG-585v7, fully setup and all, does not work anymore it gives me an error "Connection could not be established: concentrator not reachable" I've restored my backed up settings multiple times to no avail.

It also was working yesterday until the power cut earlier today.
It could be a problem in your phone line, you should contact Ogero.
I called them and they said I have to reconfigure my router, bummer. Guess I won't have internet for a day or two
If you have the username and the password, the Thomson should work... Instead of restoring the backed up settings, please try to reset the router and use the post that Avo posted to set it up. The error that you got seems related to a fault in the infrastructure more than a configuration flaw. If the router is still Ogero locked, resetting it will be enough to restore default set up by Ogero. If it still didn't work and you want to mess with your router and get full access, you can either try to get the administrator account credentials from them (Good luck), and then reinstall the frimware, or if you have some time and you like to tinker with your router and maybe spoil it, try this: I was so bored that day :P
It is already on 8.6.5, I have full access to the router, PPPoE username and password that I extracted. It just doesn't work

EDIT: It just worked-_- I did nothing, absolutely NOTHING.
Do you mean the thomson router? Can you please post your DSL connection stats? (Line attenuation and SN margin)
Okay so I took my TP-Link router to get it reconfigured, now it's working fine. Thomson router is back onto the closet to collect dust.
Only issue is that they changed the router username and password, kind-of an a-hole move considering I bought it myself