masrour wroteIam playing at mobile and ipad ( pubg and COD ), I configured the modem at G.DMT but gets the same ping , my neighbour already in IDM but in ogero central and his ping about 60-70 ms .. we have elevator interference when its on (ping goes to 400-500 ) , but its not a problem since iam overnight player and solving this issue is high expensive (allah bi 3een) , but when its off sometimes ping to europe is high , now at 1 am 230 ms :( , i don't what to do i tried to call support talking 3 and 4 hours without any solution (turning interleaving off is from ogero only as support said ) .. that's why i asked which better GDS or Ogero ?
Playing with 60-70 ping after turning interleaving off. I am with Ogero open speed.