Hello guys ,
I'm having a problem with my HTC one m 7 , Iast week I updated the device to android 4.4.2 kit Kat and it was working fine , yesterday the phone starts lagging suddenly , I guess it's software issue
Any help please
I tried factory reset and it didn't work , also when I update apps from Google play , the download reaches 100% and doesn't do anything .
Try taking the battery out and leave it like that for a day. Don't be tempted to turn it on for at least one day. Happened to someone I know once, and that worked for him. Hope it does for you too.
I wish I could , it's a non removable battery
I'm located in Dekwaneh. If you're close to that area, feel free to pass by and borrow mine.
I'm far , if you could tell me where to buy them that would be great .
Try to keep it on the adapter for like 8 hours straight without using it, like when you are sleeping, KitKat will do like a diskdefrag and delete all the useless data, it may help
First things first: Is it Google edition or Sense?
Is it rooted?
Worst case scenario is to format the phone via Bootloader.
Backup your SD files on your PC before doing it.
Shutdown completely the phone.
Press volume down and power together till the bootloader menu opens.
You can choose to do a hard reset then :)