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  • zaatar balade spice composition


Are there people here who can elaborate on what is the real zaatar spice composition?
In europe i have come across jordanian and syrian mix but the taste is totally different.

In addition where can i get my hands zaatar barre (wild thyme) seeds?
thyme ( wild thyme are hard to get ), sumac , sesame seeds
Tarek wrotethyme ( wild thyme are hard to get ), sumac , sesame seeds
Not so hard, you just have to go to the mountains, there are places where you will find many of them.
yeah go to bekaa , next to hermel and Ersal
Tarek wroteyeah go to bekaa , next to hermel and Ersal
We have a house in the Souk el Gharb area (a little above that...). Every time we go there we bring back a big bunch. Be careful of snakes.
but can some one pinpoint the exact breed of the wild thyme of which zaatar is made? there is one too many varieties listed on google thus confusing me...
20 days later
if can you wait until the weekend... i'll be at my village and i'll take few pics... as for seeds, no seeds, you have to get a plant.. (chatle ), plant it and hope it will grow ...
i'll get you a couple if you want,