So on Sunday night i was playing Deadpool and suddenly the PS3 froze, did a forced turn off by holding down the power button (on PS3 slim). After restarting it of course asked to restore file system and everything went fine until 50% was completed and it suddenly froze again. Did a forced shutdown again only to get notified after another restoration attempt that the File System on my HDD is corrupted and the system must be formatted.
I usually use a Flash drive to backup my saves every week, but to my luck the last time i backed the saves was a month ago. Plus i have a lot of pictures, music and videos on the HDD. So i need the data on my HDD, and as many of you know the HDD is basically embedded to my console and the data on the HDD is fully encrypted. Using random software to recover the data and with my zero knowledge of this might lead to permanent loss of the data.
After a thorough search on, many noted that this might be due to bad sectors on my HDD. The search took me to the official PlayStation community forums, there was a thread about the bad sectors and data corruption and the user recommended (according to his experience of course) using HDD Regenerator.
After trying the software, i couldn't find any bad sectors at all(!). Which made things worse.
Yesterday i have found this thread on a PS3 hacking forum but from a user with almost the same situation as mine, as we both are using an unmodded console and on an Official Firmware (everything is legal). The only difference between his situation and mine is that ever since the whole thing happened, once i enter Safe mode (recovery mode) on PS3, i basically cant do anything because anything freezes.
If someone could help recovering the data (by any means, so pm if you want), or simply help me by posting another solution to this thread then please do.
I usually use a Flash drive to backup my saves every week, but to my luck the last time i backed the saves was a month ago. Plus i have a lot of pictures, music and videos on the HDD. So i need the data on my HDD, and as many of you know the HDD is basically embedded to my console and the data on the HDD is fully encrypted. Using random software to recover the data and with my zero knowledge of this might lead to permanent loss of the data.
After a thorough search on, many noted that this might be due to bad sectors on my HDD. The search took me to the official PlayStation community forums, there was a thread about the bad sectors and data corruption and the user recommended (according to his experience of course) using HDD Regenerator.
After trying the software, i couldn't find any bad sectors at all(!). Which made things worse.
Yesterday i have found this thread on a PS3 hacking forum but from a user with almost the same situation as mine, as we both are using an unmodded console and on an Official Firmware (everything is legal). The only difference between his situation and mine is that ever since the whole thing happened, once i enter Safe mode (recovery mode) on PS3, i basically cant do anything because anything freezes.
If someone could help recovering the data (by any means, so pm if you want), or simply help me by posting another solution to this thread then please do.