
I was wondering on whether anyone around here has hacked his device?
I am in the middle of hacking my old phone and I am surprised to the messy "howto guides" online.
i havent found a single decent howto guide that gets the job done.

so far i have been able to unlock the device and root it, the next step is to get the s-on turned off.
that is a tricky part requiring a bit more than clicking the mouse. well anyhow,
at this point, my device is bricked until i get the s-on disabled, will see when i get it done.
more later..
There is no need to S-OFF your Sensation because is requires more advanced steps and hardware hacking not software ( it is called the wire trick method JuopunutBear ). Anyway you can root and install a custom recovery like 4ext that has an option called smartflash. Whenever you are to flash something into your phone, you enable it beforehand and there is a step which gives you permanent smartflash. I will research all the steps and send you links i followed that worked with me.