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  • Gamers Deciding To Buy A Playstation 4

Please read this carefully and try not to burst out in anger. It states that you won't be able to play online with PSN accounts with no stores (obviously) and they are working hard on making it available. Lebanon being namely mentioned.

I guess you can normally create or use your existing PSN account with PS Store access, unless it becomes IP based then..S.H.I.T. Again you have to read the article to know more, Fred says that the countries with PSN access but no Store access (like Lebanon) will be dealt with.

N.B: Creating an account not based on your true location (you will use a "Fake Address") is against the Terms of Service.
As far as I know most people who own a ps3 in Lebanon have at least 2 separate accounts, there is no reason for sony to start and IP monitor for people who access the network or else they woudln't have opted for a region free device to begin with.

It's only seven countries, I'm sure they'll fix it in time for the release, or at least won't try to block circumvention... after all they wan't your money regardless of where you are or how you pay/access
I have many friends that purchase games from PSN all the time using UAE and US accounts. In terms of fake addresses, I think it is like steam, they only investigate it when you use VPNs to access stores outside of your area regularly to get games at a cheaper price (ie getting US games from Europe), I hope it is the same case for the PS4.