• Gaming
  • PlayStation 2 Manufacturer Ceases production, Farewell PS2!

It is now officially global and not just in Japan.
Total games library 10,828 titles

Units sold More than 150m

Total game titles sold 1.52bn

The Guardian, CVG.

Now please your greatest PlayStation 2 moments!
the moment when i didn't get one at all :[
i guess its time to collect all the good games before they disappear
Ape Escape 2/3, Ratchet & Clank 1/2/3, Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart / Tag Team Racing / Twinsanity (WOW), God of War 1/2, GTA San Andreas...nuff said...nuff said

My greatest PS2 moment was when I played on it for the first time on a (VERY) large screen TV. It was just released, if I remember correctly. A friend of my brother's had brought it with him to Hoops in downtown for a large number of people. It was running Smackdown: Shut your Mouth and the visuals were jaw-dropping. I was less than 10 years old at the time.

Mannnn, those days...