@Ruroken: 3 lights is great, and no unlimited plans for the wise box so far. Elied answered most of your questions. am sorry for the DSL. the infrastructure is a major issue that it is not being addressed, MOT should fix it before thinking about providing higher speeds.
@Elied: embracing the lag.... I salut you, you've got big balls :P
Well i installed the wise box and started using it two days ago. But i've been noticing a lot of "request timed out" that it's affecting the quality of the internet. Is there anyway to fix that, and would the support be able to help me with it? You're input is highly appreciated longbit. :)
it's all about the signal and the disconnections... call the technical support and ask them to check the signal quality and if your have any disconnections, co-operate with them to put it in a location where you can get good signal and no disconnections.
I will give them a call when im at home tonight, but when you say signal you mean how many lights are on? Cz i am constantly getting four to five lights on and the request timed outs are still happening.
Does anyone know about any upgrades on the WISE DSL packages?
@Ruroken four lights is great, usually 3 lights are enough... but sometimes you might have 5 lights but with some disconnections.. out tech team will check for that immediately.
@mmk92 i'll check with the sales department tomorrow and let you know.
mmk92 wroteDoes anyone know about any upgrades on the WISE DSL packages?
called sales dept, but she had no idea since the administration still didn't release their decisions.
and she had no idea if the new plans will start on 1st July, or if it will be exponential upgrade.
NOOO, I was looking forward for a quota free summer

Hopefully they'll surprise us sometime soon while our ogero friends will swim in quota next month.
@mmk92 i guess no one will beat the other for the new plans
mmk92 wrotehttp://wise.net.lb/web/resources/mainbanner3/1.png

Such a vague ad. What do you guys predict the speeds will be? Too good to be true?
that ad is an old one.
the unlimited plan is less than 1mbps.
planned before to switch to it. but never tried it though and waiting for the new plans
the quality of service is 30% less then the normal plans... to be honest it won't be fair to give unlimited plans with the same quality as the normal plans and with less price... you ave to distinguish it for the normal plan, otherwise it would be like telling the customers "you can get 1 mbps speed with 12G quota for 30$ or you can get 1mbps with unlimited quota !!!" , there isn't unlimited plan in lebanon that does not have downfalls, the thing is we choose to tell out customers about that before they buy it instead of just selling false dreams :P
PS: for example the unlimited plan comes with a private ip unlike to normal ones...
and yes it is old, wit the new prices and plan being cooked, i think the unlimited plans might become bit useless (that ism personal opinion not the company's vision )
10 days later
any news about the upgrades?
we passed half the month, and still the other half.
I hope you give us any news.

another question please, are static ip addresses available? and how much they cost?

because I was going to buy the 25$ worth Plus Managed DNS package from noip.com but it seems it is only for one domain and i want to host two domains (blogs), so maybe static ip + dns server will be better?!
6 days later
Guys, less than a week till the new plans! Anyways, I do have an update on this topic; I have been nagging for weeks about the new plans to the "Wise Guys", and they have memorized my name :P They said that they have no immediate information on what is going to happen on July 1st (yeah right) and what is most likely to happen is that they will upgrade our plans as they "deem fit", and we will have the option to change our plans for August.

That's about it.

If anyone has learned otherwise, please inform us and thanks.
Well the "Wise guys" from sales and tech support (they threw me like a hot potato between them) told me that they know nothing by now, but i insisted to know if we will see any upgrades on 1st july and tech guy said yeah, and i think (if i got him well) that we will have the chance to choose our plans on the first days of July.
reat News! Starting 1st of July, the quota will double on all our WISE Box plans. More updates will follow soon on other WISE services, Stay Tuned!
That's what they put on the website, I guess we'll just have to wait a little bit more to know the rest.
Aly wrotehttp://wise.net.lb/web/adsl.jsp?id=2

Wise new ripoff plans, applicable July 1st (thanks god), 4M and 6-8M plans are a total ripoff in addition to the extra GB price which is 2$ instead of 2000LL which is 50% more than any other ISP.

On the other hand, I am satisfied with their connection, prices are higher but you get a good connection with low latency:


they ruined my 8mbps dreams :(
i'm with 1M12 and I hope they transfer me to: 2M55
can we choose now what we want?
Any idea why the WISE 3G service is still at the same price ? I mean they lowered the 3G prices already why is 5gb still for 75$ ? Sort of a rip off, would be just cheaper to subscribe to 3G on my phone and use it as a hotspot.