hi every one does anybody know from where i can get eve online retail version ?
Forgive my ignorance, but what is Eve online??
It's a space based MMORPG, which is very similar to Microsoft Excel
peekaie wroteIt's a space based MMORPG, which is very similar to Microsoft Excel
I think you are talking about Ogame. Eve is also a space MMORPG where if Im not mistaken you fly your spaceship, engage in mining and fights with other people. I never really liked it but my friend loves it, the graph on the other hand are not that bad.
babum wrote
peekaie wroteIt's a space based MMORPG, which is very similar to Microsoft Excel
I think you are talking about Ogame. Eve is also a space MMORPG where if Im not mistaken you fly your spaceship, engage in mining and fights with other people. I never really liked it but my friend loves it, the graph on the other hand are not that bad.
where did your friend get it from?
If Im not mistaken from a trip to the US.
6 days later
it's an 18 GB game :P or so
I tried downloading it but you know, I live in lebanon :P

if I remember correctly you get 11 days free then you pay per month or something, you don't simply buy it and it stays forever

edit: the main reason I didn't download it is it seemed very very very beautiful, and it is pay as you go, so I figured the moment I try it out is the moment I set myself on the path of bankruptcy and a life of total bumness xd
You want a digital or physical copy, or just a serial code?
2 months later
Didn't want to create a new thread so.... Anyone playing it? I'm on it. It's sick!
Would you recommend it ? i saw couple of friends playing it, but didn't really took time to investigate

Any detail ?
Yes I definitely would. It's not your regular MMORPG though i have to say, so dont expect it to be.

-There is no predefined course of action. You decide what you want to be/do. (That can be a bit confusing for a new player, but follow the tutorial missions and it'll set you up good.

-Character skills/specialities are not exclusive (i.e. you dont select a class and get stuck with specific advantages/disadvantages for the rest of the game -- you train whatever skills you want to train).

-It is freaking immersive!

-Oh and it has a (very) steep learning curve.

I downloaded it, and went for the 14-day trial account: I upgraded to full the next day!

It costs you 20$ the first month, and then 15$ / month after. Oh and when you buy it the first time, whatever days you still have on your trial will be added to your subscription (I got 43 days when i registered on the second day of trial period).

Lemme know if you're in, we could join forces :) or make a lebanese corp!
2 years later

I recently started playing EVE online and this game is epicly awesome!

Anyone ready to conquer the galaxy and raise our Lebanese flag in the middle of 0.0 sec?

Waiting for you guys if you are still playing the game!

Contact me!
I played it non-stop for 5 months. It is an awesome game. And it is highly addictive. PVP is addictive, and even playing the market is addictive.

These are the things that made me quit:
- To be really effective in PVP, you need at least 2 accounts, the more the better. And you will have to multibox them.
- You need to practice PVP, alot. Which is time I would prefer to spend practicing a real life skill.
- Some of your team members (or corp members) will eventually overreact and you will get annoyed with them, especially when expensive ships are at stake (if you lose a ship, it is lost, forever, and some ships' real life costs are significant). Some corp leaders will take the gaming part too seriously and act accordingly, which is very annoying of course.

In 5 months, I managed to be Killer of the Month twice in an elite PVP training corp etc... (I have 2 accounts: 1 main, and 1 anonymous scout for offense and defense). I could not be ambushed, because of my scout. And I could scout the whereabouts of the enemy and ambush them.

What made me play the game?
This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSxSyv4LC1c
And it is completely true :)

Choose Gallente, you will not regret it.
Hybrid weapons do some massive damage. And drones are just sick.
Fellows, if the installer is the issue, just link me to it. 18GB is doable for me.
I already started with Minmatar, but thank you for the tips!

Time is real issue with this game, but having nothing to do during mid-week after work in those hot gulf countries.. That's were EVE comes in. I don't really plan to be in the top list of any corp or something, i already joined a small friendly corp to learn the basics., but after-all just flying around shooting few ships is real fun.

If you plan to get back to the game tell me.

And Nabs go to : eveonline.com ... i think it will take you few nights with unlimited connection after 12 to download it! Tell me when you do :)
wolfaram wroteI already started with Minmatar, but thank you for the tips!

Time is real issue with this game, but having nothing to do during mid-week after work in those hot gulf countries.. That's were EVE comes IN! Haha!! I don't really plan to be in the top list of any corp or smthg... i already joined a small friendly corp to learn the basics... but after-all just flying around shooting few ships is real fun!!

If you plan to get back to the game tell me!!

And Nabs go to : eveonline.com ... i think it will take you few nights with unlimited connection after 12 to download it! Tell me when you do :)
The initial character selection doesn't matter, just start learning hybrid weapons and add them to the queue.
I suggest you start PVP with an active repair Incursus frigate. Once you master this, you will be ready for the next phase.
Okey for the hybrid weapons skills, i will look into it and start queuing them!
Actually I was still getting used to the game by doing some PvE agents missions in high sec... PvP will be the next step...
Thank you for the tips again!!