AVOlio wrote
shant wroteall seems good but the video card
Whats wrong with the video card man ?! :3
Personal experience with Inno3D ... Just don't buy it.
Care to elaborate more about what happened with you ?
true,go with gigabyte or xfx or asus or saphire etc,don't go with inno3D,also the price tag on that thing! its way overpriced
AVOlio wrote@The-MMMs
Care to elaborate more about what happened with you ?
What the MMMs is talking about is true. In terms of reliability the Inno3D cards are pure rubbish.

I myself have owned an inno3D card as well. And I am close to the MMMs and know what he faced with his card as well.

You will have to trust us on this and stay clear from Inno3D
@The-MMMs @Khaled,
Guys, i am really interested in knowing what happened with you guys, and your cards.

The reason i am interested in Inno3D GTX 680 is because it has a standard memory config of 4GB.

Note: I emailed PcandParts and asked them weather the Inno3D GTX 680 that they have is the I-chill edition or the normal edition. (Which i have found out so far that the difference is an extra cooling system built in the Ichill) but i also asked for an explanation from their part about the difference.

So if it really is the I-chill Edition , i will keep with this card.
And if its not, i dont really know which one to get.

But again guys, @The-MMMs and @Khaled, i am really interested about your problem. Please do tell.

I might even get the Asus GTX 690 4GB. :3 (Whistling ...)
AVOlio wroteI might even get the Asus GTX 690 4GB. :3 (Whistling ...)
I shall kill you :|

Guys, did you know that Avo is going to use a 1080P TV at 60Hz with this card ? (Yes that means nothing over 60FPS) Please help me knock some sense into this guy :P

Also, I own an Innod3D FX5500 and it never caused any problems. You guys are probably right, but don't forget that back in the day we never used good quality PSU's as we do now, which may have killed your cards.
@AVOlio they are poor cards. The list:

1. They look ugly
2. Mine was very loud
3. Poor 3rd party software
4. Little to no accessories included
5. Died after only 2 years.

I must note, i had an 8800GT and they have a long history of failing, but lets be clear her, I only really played CoD - i didn't abuse this card, i even underclocked it and always kept the fan at around 70%-100%. I would still hit around 100 Degrees on borderlands and then it eventually died.
The-MMMs wroteI must note, i had an 8800GT and they have a long history of failing, but lets be clear her, I only really played CoD - i didn't abuse this card, i even underclocked it and always kept the fan at around 70%-100%. I would still hit around 100 Degrees on borderlands and then it eventually died.
Just want to make things clear that any 8800GT ran SO hot that they even killed some low end motherboards. You can't give up on the brand because of this card, because the out of 10 8800GT's 7 or 8 of them failed, because of them running too hot. Even at idle and running nothing but Windows Aero. COD was a demanding game back in the days BTW.
I know AvoK95. Actually speaking mw2 was a really "crap" visually looking game, compared to others it really was mediocre and didn't need a lot of resources.

And as i stated i underclokced it and even used to put the fans at 100% before going in game to get it as cool as possible before warming it up. (i used to only play on resolution of 1440x900 and with NO AA shadows or anything. Textures for all games set to medium). I know this is more of a "8800GT" issue but just my 2 cents that if i had the EVGA version for example I'm sure it would have lasted slightly longer (not to mention i would have been able to play my games properly)

I'm very hot headed about this issue. I had a Radeon card way back the 9200 LE. It lasted me 7 years and then died. I would so buy another today, lets be honest they last.

Back to the issue at hand, IF you had the choice to choose over the EVGA or Inno3D what would you go for ?

I know the parts are limited and choice in Lebanon is generally crap, but why pay so much for something that is actually very low end.

What I'm trying to say is that i think AVOlio wants a quality build. Things won't last forever but im guessing he wants satisfaction - it's serious money after all.

If this build will EVER happen (:P) i just want to make sure that he is satisfied with what he has.

We all made many mistakes with our first builds, im sure, so lets just share our experiances, afterall its AVOlio's choice in the end.
Well, you are absolutely correct. Avo is overkilling on everything. His original build was an i7 with 32gigs of ram and 4gig 680 on a 1200Watt PSU.

What he doesn't understand is no matter how high end he goes the performance will stay the same, because he's only using a 60Hz screen meaning nothing above 60FPS.

He's choosing the Innod3D card because of it being 4GB. And I bet he's choosing 4GB because his brother's PC had a 520 with 2GB. Please help me make him realize that he's overkilling too much. Don't you think he'll be a lot better off with a 670 ? You can see above how he's now thinking of getting a 690!
or maybe it's his 1st build
He's just choosing the parts, I'm going to be the one building it. But the parts he's choosing is way overkill for him.
a think a gtx660ti is way enough
670 is best choice here in my own opinion, it is an amazing card for its price for battlefield 3 and on 1080p
i agree with the others,670 is the best choice
Yea Well i eventually decided to get the 670 aswell..
Also i made some other changes to the specs, which made the budget go down from 1900$ to 1600$ ...
can you post a final spec?
Yea, here it is,

3.4 GHz - i5-3570 6M/LGA1155 $226.00 p4-26
Gigabyte GA-Z77X-D3H (rev. 1.0) (DDR3) (LGA1155) Link $221.00 b4-14
Gigabyte GV-N670OC-2GD 1.0 GeForce GTX 670 2GB DDR5 $465.00 PX-75
16GB(2*8GB) Kingston RAM DDR3-1600 94$
Thermaltake Dokker VM600M1W2Z Mid Tower Case W/Single Bay HDD Docking Station $68.00 #tc-14
2TB WD2002FAEX 7200RPM SATAII 64MB Black Edition -Link $184.00
Gigabyte Pro Odin 800W PSU -Link $157.00 z-6
LG GH24NS70-24X DVDRW - Dual Layer SATA Black $23.00 #d-v2

total= 1438$
+10% VAT =1582$ =2 373 000LBP.

I will be getting that rig this month.
Also next month, i will get these:
Thermaltake A2417 Gaming Mouse Pad $24.00 x-45
Gigabyte Aivia Krypton Dual-chassis Gaming Mouse Link $78.00 mk-26
Gigabyte Gigabyte Aivia Osmium Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Link $139.00 mk-29

total= 241 $
+10% VAT =265$

So they should probably change the name of my topic to "My New GTX 670 Rig" ... xD
Yes in deed !

Now all i got to do is worry about my next ISP. With LOW pings !