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  • SOPA version 2.0 ... CISPA?

After about 4 months, SOPA was screwed by Obama himself.
Now comes a "new" bill that basically is a facelift to SOPA. It is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act or CISPA, sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers.
If you want CNET has article (and a pdf format of the whole bill) explaining briefly what this bill is about.

Anyone who is going to be against it shouldnt have any high hopes because the current 28 supporters pack serious punch.
wow,the world is getting smaller...
9 days later
No CISPA is not SOPA 2 .... CISPA is much much worse, SOPA was an anti piracy bill CISPA is basically an anti privacy bill
As per subject, im hearing about this LIRA thing

Any light ?

Pointless to censor the internet, it begs the question as to why it was established in the first place.
The-MMMs wroteAs per subject, im hearing about this LIRA thing

Any light ?

Pointless to censor the internet, it begs the question as to why it was established in the first place.
It was established for military reasons
The-MMMs wrotePointless to censor the internet, it begs the question as to why it was established in the first place.
not everything created is well thought of
internet got clearly out of hand for the intellectual property and they think they can now control it with some rules
you can't control the uncontrollable