• Gaming
  • Problems connecting to Sony Entertainment Network

Since 2 days ago, i haven't been able to connect to PlayStation Network on PlayStation 3. I am receiving Time outs connecting.
It seems that Elchebib is having the same problem, the interesting thing is that his ISP is same as mine, IDM.
Note that my NAT type is 3 and has been like this for quiet some time, but this doesnt mean i wont be able to connect to PSN. My PS3's region is PAL.

Please if someone is having the same problem, report it here and state your ISP, Central, and your PS3's native region.
Same here and thanks for the mention. Its an annoying issue. Anybody experiencing similar errors? Please mention your ISP.
I am hardly able to connect to the minecraft servers I have been successfully using for the past month. It started today: "The connection is taking too long. Terminated".
What if Sony is gearing up for expanding the Store or in other words SEN's services to Arab countries?
I was able to log in today. I think everything is back to normal, yet i didnt know the reason.
It just started with me. I have IDM as well...
No battlefield tonight, ah well.
It just happened to me again! But this time no timeouts only some random errors in the when trying to connect.
Note: I am unable to access any HTTPS site.
Same Issue with IDM here, coonection problems to game servers, FTP and HTTPS for couple nights now- i got an SMS stating there will be some "interruptions" due to maintenance on the morning of 13th - I gues it is related. Lets wait and see till after they have maintained.
a month later
Can't sign in...
Edit: works now
9 days later
This is getting disgusting. For about 14 days problems connecting to SEN on PS3, with regular disconnections and failed direct sign-ins because of time-outs.

Please if all IDM subscribers are facing such an issue, try to call them before 2 pm on Saturday (Today) and look for answers. Report your results here.
Hi, Same issue Here, IDM 2 Mbps ADSL Link, have been trying SEN for the last 5 Days and no avail until this morning at 3 AM it worked for 1 hour, then stopped, i think It Might be a filtering issue on the IDM part, either on the Firewalls when they NAT or on the Shaping appliances. online gaming is a premium service and the ISPs need to understand that, if they can create gaming packages and give our traffic the proper QoS (quality of Service) I would at least be happy to pay a bit extra.
what is your error ID guys?
is it 80028e06?

and it's PSN(games & store) not SEN(movies and music)
There is no Error ID, just Connection to SEN timed out. by There is no PSN anymore it is all called SEN now :), i used to get error numbers before each time a different one, but the summary of the errors was failure to connect to SEN either due to time out, Connection error ...
rhmaidan wroteThere is no Error ID, just Connection to SEN timed out. by There is no PSN anymore it is all called SEN now :), i used to get error numbers before each time a different one, but the summary of the errors was failure to connect to SEN either due to time out, Connection error ...
they basically said they want to change the name but it's still psn everywhere

I think to solve that issue start flooding idm losers with phone calls, it sure will be some small issue like flushing the cache or something but they are too lazy to do it.
i dont think its about cache, the cache is mostly storing information from visited webpages, connection to the psn or sen is an authentication process, thus the issue is most likely a port issue, any one know the ports so we can email them to idm ?
are the port mentioned above the same if you PlayStation is registered in the UK ? BTW i am still getting the same error till today morning