hey guys, how is your experience with ogero lately?
My sister has Ogero adsl conx and experiencing slowness, and asked me to check it

just look at this:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=849ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=843ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=760ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=842ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 760ms, Maximum = 849ms, Average = 823ms
pretty cool huh?
Make sure her PC is clean, no one is using her Wi-Fi (change password) and nothing is downloading in the background (Adobe, anti-virus, etc,,,)
Not much jitter between 760 and 849. Three pings between 842 and 849 suggest a good quality but congested link.
yeah well don't worry bout me, today every thing is back to normal, ping to is like 70 to 90 depending if on peak time or not.
after all, the problem is from their side
9 days later
Hello guys

Just in case anybody can confirm this, OGERO blocking port 80? just want to make sure.

I have a Cisco/Linksys X1000 router and having a hard time forwarding port 80. It can be a router problem, but I don't have the equipment to test, and can't find info online about the model and the problem.

It can forward other ports like 8080 and whatever successfully.

thanks in advance.
All ISPs block port 80 for security, so if there's no port forwarding the port 80 won't respond , but with port forwarding the external port 80 will forward to whatever internal port and ip.
Post your configuration of the router I have the same router and I do port forwarding all the time.
I meant blocking the ports from their side.
I know some ISPs out there do this nasty thing to force people buy their "more advanced" packages!

anyway here is the config file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DslCpeConfig version="3.0">
      <SupportedLocales instance="1">
        <CountryName>UNITED STATES</CountryName>
      <SupportedLocales instance="2">
      <SupportedLocales instance="3">
      <SupportedLocales instance="4">
      <SupportedLocales instance="5">
      <SupportedLocales instance="6">
      <SupportedLocales instance="7">
      <SupportedLocales instance="8">
      <SupportedLocales instance="9">
      <SupportedLocales instance="10">
      <SupportedLocales instance="11">
        <CountryName>SAUDI ARABIA</CountryName>
      <SupportedLocales instance="12">
      <SupportedLocales instance="13">
      <SoftwareVersion notification="2">FW_X1000_AnnexA_1.0.00.018</SoftwareVersion>
      <ProvisioningCode notification="2">(null)</ProvisioningCode>
      <ConnectionRequestURL notification="2"></ConnectionRequestURL>
      <Bridge instance="1">
      <Bridge instance="2">
      <Bridge nextInstance="3" ></Bridge>
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      <Filter instance="5">
      <Filter instance="6">
      <Filter instance="7">
      <Filter instance="8">
      <Filter instance="10">
      <Filter instance="17">
      <Filter nextInstance="18" ></Filter>
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      <AvailableInterface instance="2">
      <AvailableInterface instance="3">
      <AvailableInterface instance="5">
      <AvailableInterface instance="6">
      <AvailableInterface instance="7">
      <AvailableInterface instance="8">
      <AvailableInterface instance="10">
      <AvailableInterface instance="17">
      <AvailableInterface nextInstance="18" ></AvailableInterface>
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      <LANEthernetInterfaceConfig instance="1">
      <LANEthernetInterfaceConfig instance="2">
      <LANEthernetInterfaceConfig instance="3">
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      <X_AYECOM_COM_DevicesInfo instance="30">
      <X_AYECOM_COM_DevicesInfo instance="31">
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      <Forwarding instance="1">
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      <Forwarding instance="12">
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      <Forwarding nextInstance="14" ></Forwarding>
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          <UserCfg nextInstance="2" ></UserCfg>
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          <UserCfg nextInstance="2" ></UserCfg>
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    <X_BROADCOM_COM_DDnsCfg nextInstance="2" ></X_BROADCOM_COM_DDnsCfg>
I read once before (i think about 2 years), that these routers *use* the port 80 for web management and no way to forward them, this is the second cisco router that has this issue which makes this saying more of a fact!

I used many brands before like tp-link, netis, d-link, some chinese stuff, and never had this problem!

so what do you think?
m_zeid wroteI read once before (i think about 2 years), that these routers *use* the port 80 for web management and no way to forward them, this is the second cisco router that has this issue which makes this saying more of a fact!

I used many brands before like tp-link, netis, d-link, some chinese stuff, and never had this problem!

so what do you think?
Nope this is not true, as I said I have the x1000 and I can forward to port 80 with no problems, also I needed you to post this page not the whole configuration file , it can be viewed in a better way.

also if you want you can remove the conf file from your post since it contains private info like mac addresses and devices names
In the apllication name choose http , it will take the 80 port automatically like below
yeah brah, here it is:

I posted the conf file, because maybe other options is interfering with this.
Of course i removed critical data from it.
I will edit that post later.

now as you can see, there is nothing wrong with the config, right? still not working on 80, while working fine on 8080 and others.
what are you trying to forward ? a webserver ? Try forwarding another port (like 6666) on the public side to port 80 on the local side and see if that works. If it does, then it is ISP related .
yes a web server, already tried that and it did work and now did it again still works.

But I've just knew, that there is a parental protection on this line. Maybe this is the problem?

I don't know how they implement the content filtering, but maybe a proxy server preventing this?
m_zeid wroteyes a web server, already tried that and it did work and now did it again still works.

But I've just knew, that there is a parental protection on this line. Maybe this is the problem?

I don't know how they implement the content filtering, but maybe a proxy server preventing this?

A lot of isp block port 80 to prevent users from running a webserver on home internet packages especially for more money and to prevent unmitigated attacks
7 days later
Hey, guys. Thought of posting here since I figured it's too late to call customer service to ask my question and I want to head down to Ogero tomorrow morning. What do I need to take with me if I want to change my internet speed? Also do any of you have the 2MB unlimited plan (75000 LL)? Is it stable in terms of ping/download speed?
You only need your ID card. Everything about the 2Mbps plan is great except the 2Mbps bandwidth. "Let us connect all Lebanese territory with fibers they said, the internet will get faster they said..."
Is the speed stable all day long? What about youtube buffering? Also is anyone with the 4/6/8 Mbps packages experiencing "slowness"?
andrew55 wroteIs the speed stable all day long? What about youtube buffering? Also is anyone with the 4/6/8 Mbps packages experiencing "slowness"?
I have here the 6-8MBPS package that costs 65000LL, I get 6.8MBps all day long and my ping is around 60ms-70ms when playing online games.