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I'm on Ogero's 2 Mbit/s unlimited plan in which I actually got the 2mbit/s a week ago, so I did a speedtest and it turns out 1.74Mbit/s on download(look at my post on top of the page) and so far the real download speed averages 200KB/s.. On torrents the average is 195-198KB/s.. So far no matter how much I download there hasn't been a single slow down or high pings of any sort.tt400 wroteDoes anyone know the download speed in KB of the 2MB unlimited option from Ogero?
I have the 4MB connection now but my line might not be able to hold 4MB so I'm thinking of downgrading. However I'm not going to downgrade to 2MB if the download in KB is less than 200 (that's my speed with the 4MB connection).
I ran a speed test and my speed hovers around 1.7Mbps so that should tell me that I'd have the same speed in KB (200) if I downgraded to 2MB but I don't trust Ogero. They tell you that you have 2MB but they lower it to 1MB.
That's why I'm asking if anyone has some hands-on experience with their 2MB unlimited connection and can run a speed test and let me know the Mbps and the KBps.
trent wrote@tt400, 1.74mbps is the max throughput you can expect from a DSL 2mbps subscription due to inherent adsl technology overheads.
on my 2mbps I reach a stable 220K/s when doing http downloads.
I find it odd that you are seeing speedtest reporting your speed to be exactly 1.7mbps which is the expected speed for a 2mbps subscription. is your connection speed stable? can you maintain a constant 200K/s for ~10-15 minutes? have you ever managed more than 220-225K/s? What I'm thinking is, your modem might be allowed to sync at 4mbps (4096kbps) but the port on their end at the DSLAM is only programmed for 2mbps. (Remember private ISPs back when they had double speed nights; subscribers would connect 24/7 at the double speed rate, but only be allowed to reach those rates at night).
If you really want 4mbps, I suggest having them investigate it a bit before giving them a way out by downgrading.
By the way 2mbps isn't more expensive than 4mbps! You don't have to get 2mbps unlimited. 2mbps 40GB is significantly cheaper than 4mbps 50GB, 24K LL vs 50K LL
Could you mention more details about the situation when there is blackout? Is the speed of 400 that you get is only during this blackout? What is the backup electricity that you use during this blackout? Type of the modem? How old is your building? Provide me with this details! It seems that there is a problem with your cable. Give me the details that I have asked and I will try to troubleshoot! Also mention on which floor you are at!tt400 wrote
Thanks for the post.
I have a constant speed of 200KB/s and I mean really, really constant, for weeks if not months. It barely even dips below that. There are a few moments after the electricity cuts out for a few seconds and restarts the router that I see speeds of 350 or 400 for hours at a time. It's all very, very weird.
Now I told them to come and check it out. I'll see what happens and make sure they try everything.
I understand the 2MB plan is cheaper but my intention was to get the unlimited plan since the 40GB capacity is too little.
ahk40a wroteCould you mention more details about the situation when there is blackout? Is the speed of 400 that you get is only during this blackout? What is the backup electricity that you use during this blackout? Type of the modem? How old is your building? Provide me with this details! It seems that there is a problem with your cable. Give me the details that I have asked and I will try to troubleshoot! Also mention on which floor you are at!tt400 wrote
Thanks for the post.
I have a constant speed of 200KB/s and I mean really, really constant, for weeks if not months. It barely even dips below that. There are a few moments after the electricity cuts out for a few seconds and restarts the router that I see speeds of 350 or 400 for hours at a time. It's all very, very weird.
Now I told them to come and check it out. I'll see what happens and make sure they try everything.
I understand the 2MB plan is cheaper but my intention was to get the unlimited plan since the 40GB capacity is too little.
It seems that there is a lot of noise on your cables where the electric lines would affect the quality of the signal through interference. But just to make sure I need this information. Also if you could send me a picture of your building's electric room where the telephone wiring pass through!
Well we have to investigate the cause of this interference. If you could answer my questions above, I might get a clear picture of what is causing this kind of interference. I also need to know what is the type of wire you are using between the ogero box and your modem!tt400 wroteahk40a wroteCould you mention more details about the situation when there is blackout? Is the speed of 400 that you get is only during this blackout? What is the backup electricity that you use during this blackout? Type of the modem? How old is your building? Provide me with this details! It seems that there is a problem with your cable. Give me the details that I have asked and I will try to troubleshoot! Also mention on which floor you are at!tt400 wrote
Thanks for the post.
I have a constant speed of 200KB/s and I mean really, really constant, for weeks if not months. It barely even dips below that. There are a few moments after the electricity cuts out for a few seconds and restarts the router that I see speeds of 350 or 400 for hours at a time. It's all very, very weird.
Now I told them to come and check it out. I'll see what happens and make sure they try everything.
I understand the 2MB plan is cheaper but my intention was to get the unlimited plan since the 40GB capacity is too little.
It seems that there is a lot of noise on your cables where the electric lines would affect the quality of the signal through interference. But just to make sure I need this information. Also if you could send me a picture of your building's electric room where the telephone wiring pass through!
That was what the technician from Ogero was talking about. He said that whoever installed the internet at our house had left a note on our account which said our line could not handle above 2.5MB because of high level of interference. He told me he would send some people in a few days to come and check it out and make sure.
The 400KB/s doesn't happen during the blackout. Or at least I'm not sure exactly when it happens. It's when the electricity cuts off and turns back on that sometimes I see speeds of 400KB/s. So if I go to my modem now and turn it off and then turn it back on, sometimes I'll get 200KB, sometimes 150KB, and sometimes 350KB or 400KB. 95 percent of the time, I'll get 200KB.
I thought it might have been a problem from my modem but the Ogero technician told me specifically that they had left a note on the account about the problem of interference.
since you're seeing 350K/s - 400K/s for hours at a time, that throws my theory about a misprogrammed DSLAM port out the window. :Ptt400 wrote Thanks for the post.
I have a constant speed of 200KB/s and I mean really, really constant, for weeks if not months. It barely even dips below that. There are a few moments after the electricity cuts out for a few seconds and restarts the router that I see speeds of 350 or 400 for hours at a time. It's all very, very weird.
Now I told them to come and check it out. I'll see what happens and make sure they try everything.
I understand the 2MB plan is cheaper but my intention was to get the unlimited plan since the 40GB capacity is too little.
Where do you live man your stats are horrible , and you are really far away from the Central officett400 wroteThanks for the help, guys. Look at this hideousness!
Downstream Upstream
SNR Margin
:4.1 6.3 db
To answer ahk40a's questions, the modem is a TP-LINK TD-W8960N. The backup electricity comes from a private business that we pay a monthly subscription to. The building is about a year old. I'll try and take a picture of the setup for you later today if you could really use it.
Line Attenuation
:63.6 37.6 db
Data Rate
:2097 294 kbps
Max Rate
:2820 290 kbps
:21 0
Does your router display SNR according to a multiplier ? Some do that , 2.5 might mean 25 but its divided by a small number ( no idea why they do that ). Because 2.5 is very bad and supposed not to connect to the internet at all .. Not even for 10kb/sec because it's just too noisy beyond imagination.tt400 wroteHahaha, so that explains it. I live in Metn and this building is only a year old. They installed Ethernet cables into the building and into the walls so I have three routers (one is also the modem) connected to each other. I'm just telling you this because the people who built the building put some effort into making it internet-ready. I'm not sure of the quality of the cables in the walls. You are saying I should just take the modem to the phone box and hook it up straight? How would I do that?
EDIT: I checked the stats again just to make sure it wasn't a one time thing. My SNR is now 2.5. I have no idea what is going on. Honestly, it's pretty stable. I never dip below 200KB and it is connected all day. I was just blasting like three YouTube videos while I was downloading a game.
EDIT 2: Just went to confirm the download. Now it's at 215KB. Seems like the worse the quality of the line is the faster the internet. Welcome to Lebanon.