Reddit is always so slow with me on the mobile application.
Sometimes videos posted don't load, or they load and play a very low pixelated resolution, sometimes they load and play and after maybe 30 sec they stop playing and load infinitely.
Sometimes posts don't load, comments don't load etc...
It's a pain.
LifeEngineer wroteSo I can't go into reddit and many other wesbites.
I accessed the router and changed the primary and secondary DNS to google's ( and but it still doesn't work.
I tried also as main and as secondary and still doesn't work.
Any ideas?!

EDIT: Forget it, worked now.
Sorry I forgot to mention that you have to restart your router for it to take effect
Kareem wrote
mher11 wroteThis internet is getting worse and worse everydayy.. Does anyone play Fifa 20 here? For more than a month now its unplayable ..even in the menu it gets stuck on the loading pages like every 2 min and disconnects.. I've talked to them on twitter they told me we will check ane never replied back. And im sure the issue is from ogero as when i use 4g its not like that. Im considering to switch to cyberias gaming plan, does anyone know anything about it?

What makes you think it's Ogero to blame?
Im 100% sure it's from ogero.. And im seeing this issue alot in the fifa groups (lebanon) on facebook.. Its not from fifa and on 4g it doesn't exist ..changed my router cables and everything nothing fixed it its from ogero
xazbrat wrote
Moudimadi wroteGuys i wanna ask. When they upgrade the central im taking from " Khalde " And it gets fiber. Will my vdsl speed increase automatically? or it's not related to each other? Thank you.
Yes and No---still going to need active cabinets deployed unless you are really close to the centraal. And to the best of my knowledge, Khalde does have fiber capabilities as they have upgraded bshamoun---it is just a matter of laying out more cabinets and whatever else they have to do to get it to the subscribers.
Then we will have more cabinets in our area? You told me once you live in the same area i live " Dawhet Aramoun " I really hope i get faster vdsl speeds when they install more active cabinets.
Anyone has any problems watching twitch streams as well?
My download speeds aren't exceeding 1MBps while watching.
And my connection is capable of 4.5MBps+.

Twitch and reddit are the most platforms I have problems with using.
same here, i have to restart the modem to get access to reddit and some other sites.
I think it's only for this time being, because of Corona.
The prices are the same, they only increased the limits.
AVOlio wroteAnyone has any problems watching twitch streams as well?
My download speeds aren't exceeding 1MBps while watching.
And my connection is capable of 4.5MBps+.

Twitch and reddit are the most platforms I have problems with using.

Exactly what I was saying. I looks like 1MB/s or 8Mbps is the maximum download speed for single connection. That's my observation lately.
Fouche wroteIs this true? if so, when did they decrease the prices, can anyone confirm ?!
Man, those are still same plans and the picture is true. They doubled the quota for limited quota plans, and doubled the speed for limited speed plans. In addition, they added 100GB as a free bonus since everyone is home nowadays.
I have the 200GB/open speed plan, it's now 2x200+100=500GB/open speed.
mher11 wrote
Kareem wrote
mher11 wroteThis internet is getting worse and worse everydayy.. Does anyone play Fifa 20 here? For more than a month now its unplayable ..even in the menu it gets stuck on the loading pages like every 2 min and disconnects.. I've talked to them on twitter they told me we will check ane never replied back. And im sure the issue is from ogero as when i use 4g its not like that. Im considering to switch to cyberias gaming plan, does anyone know anything about it?

What makes you think it's Ogero to blame?
Im 100% sure it's from ogero.. And im seeing this issue alot in the fifa groups (lebanon) on facebook.. Its not from fifa and on 4g it doesn't exist ..changed my router cables and everything nothing fixed it its from ogero
Since it is not happening on other ISPs (I am not facing this problem with IDM), Ogero is probably blocking something (since it is working on VPNs) or something is wrong with their DNS servers
Yesterday I contacted Mr. Imad Kreidieh on Twitter and shared with him what is happening with us.

After that one guy called me from Ogero to better understanding what is happening. He needs to traceroute any website I have a slowness with when that happens and send the result to his email to investigate.

Also, another guy contacted me on WhatsApp and access my router to do further diagnostics.

One hour later Mr. Imad said " It seems the issue is originating from an international service provider."

I will send the email to anyone who is interested in helping with that and do a traceroute and share the results with them.

Hopefully, they will fix that soon.
HzSamer wroteYesterday I contacted Mr. Imad Kreidieh on Twitter and shared with him what is happening with us.

After that one guy called me from Ogero to better understanding what is happening. He needs to traceroute any website I have a slowness with when that happens and send the result to his email to investigate.

Also, another guy contacted me on WhatsApp and access my router to do further diagnostics.

One hour later Mr. Imad said " It seems the issue is originating from an international service provider."

I will send the email to anyone who is interested in helping with that and do a traceroute and share the results with them.

Hopefully, they will fix that soon.

Aren't they aware that a traceroute is no longer possible because maybe the NAT firewall is routing all packets directly or doing god's know what ? No matter what you traceroute it's always the next hop after Ogero network. Unless you go IPV6, you start getting something that makes sense. Also traceroute is not a tool to diagnose network issues.

I maybe having the most stable connection ever as my std deviation is below 1ms

And on IPV6

But that can't be conclusive since the router might be dropping icmp requests.

However for TCP connections everything seems to be right.

mtr -4 -T -P 443

BUT when I connect to VPN things are different probably to different rules applied on the router side.

But with VPN :

Without VPN

And that's for the same file on the same server.

I think that's enough to draw a picture of what's going on Ogero networks.
Thanks for your detailed posts and efforts, and hope to get to the bottom of this issue.
I think Mr. Imad intentions are right, but that is not enough.
I'm more than happy to help if any testing is required.
Good luck!
4 days later
anyone installed ogero recently? as in during quarantine
how long did it take to get landline + dsl installed?
karimo wroteanyone installed ogero recently? as in during quarantine
how long did it take to get landline + dsl installed?
15 days for DSL but the landline was already there.
Landline it depends if you have a telephone box in the building and what area.. Sometimes it can take months (or years) (and it is the MOT responsible for installing a telephone box)
AVOlio wroteAnyone has any problems watching twitch streams as well?
My download speeds aren't exceeding 1MBps while watching.
And my connection is capable of 4.5MBps+.

Twitch and reddit are the most platforms I have problems with using.
So I'm back to Beirut, I made some scripts to compare network download speed using Ogero network and VPN.

Check the video below:

I'm in contact with Ogero support, hopefully they will log everything and rule out the issue.

Single connection speed locally is good :

To Europe, it's a different story :

However, with VPN

I tried using Touch 4G hotspot and it's giving me excellent down speed to Europe as well.
The same thing happening with me as well.

Now i know speed test are not 100% reliable, but they are still giving us a very specific and close to precise estimation about what is really going on.

Here is a local speed test i made without using any VPN

Here is an international speed test i made also without using any VPN on a server located in Paris.

Now finally, here is an International speed test i made using ExpressVPN connected to Germany, on the same Paris server from before.

So the conclusion is obvious, something is wrong with Ogero's International link.
It has always been the case; I think they have a speed limit on international traffic; the most I ever saw was 11mbps
I've always used VPN on the router to overcome this on my Ogero FTTH connection