Hello guys

I need to try out the latest Ubuntu and I can't download it with my crappy connection speed.

So can anyone offer their sharing services in a 1v1 meeting?
Hey Patrick,

I'll be in Beirut in a month or so. If you come all the way from Jbeil than I could gladly give you a copy. Until then, maybe someone else could.
I live in Batroun, that's right next to you.
I'll drop by someday and give you a copy man. Will call you before doing so.

By the way, do you need the x86 or the x64 version ? - Desktop or laptop?
Me too, can I be counted in?
Haha thanks guys, someone already PMed me about it, I'm gonna see if it works out, he should reply soon.

If it doesn't work out, I'll PM one of you (randomly :P) and we'll arrange a meeting.

Thanks again.