a simple task and duty that we all tend to get frustrated with at some point is when a person has to take out the sd card from the digital camera, plugged into a pc, copy the data to a give directory and later on inventize the photos.
well, for years ive known of an alternative solution, but i never took the initiative of giving it a try up until now. i introduce to you the Eye-Fi.
www.eye.fi. now what this does is that after you have set it up, it automaticall replicates your images to your favorite public album services such as flicker or copies to a pc. it also purges the old pics!
the down side is that you need to have a receiver software installed on your pc for it to receive and store the pics. the eye-fi so far is unable to directly communicate and use common share protocols such as nfs or cifs but it sure does support ftp. so if you do not want to use the designated software, just configure it to use ftp and forget the rest.
i just gave it a test and it works like a breeze. and to think of it, if i was to purchase an addon module to the digital dslr, it would have cost me hundreds of dollars. i got the 8gb/pro sd eye-fi for 99$. not cheap but surely saves you the frustration, so just point and click and turn on your tv to see what you just took instead of having to stare at the small camera screen to deduce the quality of your picture shot.