That's one fast, super sexy and elegant browser....

As you all might know, our lovely admin works with Opera, he definitely worked on this.

Here are the download links for all platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux/FreeBSD.

Give it a try, it's a 10MB file and definitely worth checking...
after download and install there is also a small update

good stuff, very fast.
Alright this is too fast. What the heck? Opera loading uncached webpages faster than Firefox cached webpages. A must try guys!
leaves Mozila , Chrome and everything els in the dust
but there are some minor things (because its still in alpha process,so i think they'll fix it already)
when signing into for example
inside my inbox i can't switch between folders or open any message, but i'm sure they're already working on it

bottom line:
VERY FAST, worth trying ,worth BUYING! (even tho its free *wink,wink*)
Yes I detected some problems with rendering certain pages which look fine in Firefox or Chrome.
Yep I found some too, the alfa web to sms feature looks retarded. But great work on the new logo :D
Leonedes wrotegreat work on the new logo :D
i think they're using that logo because it's in alpha process, because if look carefully its like a skeleton of the real opera icon
I've been using Opera for some time now. I must say it has become my favorite browser!