i downloaded the SDK, and i have been using ICS on the emulator it looks real nice and major step in term of OS look and feel
Is the emulator better in performance than the old one ?
The lead designer/director of user experience at Android right now is Matias Duarte. This line in his CV is relevant:
wiki wroteSeptember 2007 — May 2010, Palm, Inc., as VP, Human Interface and User Experienc
A lot of the improvements in Android ICS/4.0 are taken directly from webOS, so yes it is a major step up for Android. But it just goes to show how far ahead of the curve Palm were with webOS and makes me wonder what they could have done if they got proper financial backing instead of that HP fiasco.
I am currently running Cyanogenmod 7 Alpha 2.1 on my HP TouchPad and I like it more than WebOS which feels clunkier and more boring.

The Cyanogenmod team is promising an ICS port since Google will release the source code this time.

Looking forward to it.
7 days later
15 days later
hey guys I have a Galaxy S II even though samsung confirmed that it will be upgradable but some are saying that lebanon devices won't be getting an official update they say it has something to do with regional restrictions on " Kies air " the software you usually use to update samsung androids ...
so does anyone have an idea about this ?
well i can say that we should have got an update a long tima ago concerning some bug fixes and arabic support... but we didnt so this rumour may turn out to be very true. That being said, you can always flash an official frimware through odin so dont be dissapointed ;)
Anybody know when it will be available on Samsung Galaxy Ace ?
•Galaxy SII
•Galaxy Note
•Galaxy Tab 10.1
•Galaxy Tab 8.9
•Galaxy Tab 7.7
•Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus

this is the list of sammy devices that will get the update officially. you can check if any devs are working for a port for your device on xda.

i recently spoke with a dev on team hacksung and they are a few days from having a functional ics based on stock android. they will release when it is perfect.
BTW shouldn't this be in the Software section ?
Moved to Software section and cleaned up the topic a bit.
5 days later
guys I have a stupid question but I need to ask it
are firmware upgrades in lebanon available through kies ?
Android 4.0 (ICS) now confirmed on Samsung Galaxy Ace on May 2012.
How could it be that Ace is getting ICS , and the HTC Desire HD isnt !!!! (Officially that is)