What were the events that took place so that we can ascertain whether he was fairly treated or not, or whether he deserved to be or not?
It's not politics, BashLogic, it's simply a discussion. Events.
Siren wrotehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJNriwyGyTc&feature=related&skipcontrinter=1

I don't know about you guys but he certainly didn't deserve to be treated like that even if he was an evil dictator.
Treated ? this is war, and all libyans (90%) are happy with his death, whats your problem with it.

Didn't you see what he did to the his people (much .. worse).

Oh and cant wait to our near neighbor country, the devil System and his gang DEAD Video.

Welcome to the upcoming arab world buddy.
I have no problem what so ever with his death! Good riddance! Still doesn't justify a public execution and acting like animals and have a parade with a blooded dead body!
@TheStuntMan, WHAT UPCOMING ARAB WORLD? Years from now, the US and NATO will control all branches of government, plus natural resources in the Middle East! What do you think Libya will become now ? A Jungle full of puppets controlled by western intelligence agencies !Who do you think started the riots in Libya? Concerned and angry citizens ? Rebels funded by the CIA! Those guys in the video barely have shoes that fit them, let alone possess large number of weapons and armored vehicles!
Siren wrote@TheStuntMan, WHAT UPCOMING ARAB WORLD? Years from now, the US and NATO will control all branches of government, plus natural resources in the Middle East! What do you think Libya will become now ? A Jungle full of puppets controlled by western intelligence agencies !Who do you think started the riots in Libya? Concerned and angry citizens ? Rebels funded by the CIA! Those guys in the video barely have shoes that fit them, let alone possess large number of weapons and armored vehicles!
I dont want to go through this as the deep information is hidden, we all hope that the new scenes upcoming everyday from all arab countries are a good sign for all arabs (or for the good arabs).
so why there were no riots in KSA ?
KSA is already a puppet for the USA! Society in KSA is equally as bad as the countries witnessing uprisings, yet no Riots no Rebels no Nothing!
Siren wroteKSA is already a puppet for the USA! Society in KSA is equally as bad as the countries witnessing uprisings, yet no Riots no Rebels no Nothing!
Whats ksa doing with this topic, at least ksa didn't kill its own people like syria government is doing each day.

What about iran, they have almost same rules of ksa, and much worse on treating their own people.

How about you let other countries (its people) rule the way they want and we lebanese start cleaning the gangs we have here first.

Watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRWY48DOlvw&skipcontrinter=1 still pitying on gaddafi ? then your against humanity bob.
Anyone? Close this topic!!!!

Delete it instead, you people!!! It was Kadaffi's death, then it ended with KSA, Syria, USA!!!! You're all a shame, that's why Lebanese will never be able to become united, and live without hate between different religious and cultural groups. What do you have to do with KSA or Syria, focus on feeding your kids, and learning, and taking your country to a higher level.

Thanks very much for both of you, you just ruined my night. YOU LAME POLITICIANS BUTT-KISSERS NON-GEEKS :@ !!!!
hehehehe awesome movie ....
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