So who is it guys? The Biggest Bad guy out there who can match the Hero (or heroes) and actually can make the game challenging and memorable.
Greatest video game villain ?
Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core while playing it in hard mode!
Barthandelus 2nd form Final Fantasy 13 while on Grand Pulse (I'm still stuck on him)
Barthandelus 2nd form Final Fantasy 13 while on Grand Pulse (I'm still stuck on him)
I agree. And about Barthandelus check a guide online about what Paradigms to use.Monkey D. Luffy wroteSephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core while playing it in hard mode!
Barthandelus 2nd form Final Fantasy 13 while on Grand Pulse (I'm still stuck on him)
Yiazmat – Final Fantasy XII, no contest!
3h fight.
3h fight.
Some monsters were a pain in the ass in the Shadow Of The Colossus game!
diablo 2
good luck killing diablo on hell difficulty...
good luck killing diablo on hell difficulty...
Demons Souls boss fights. If not even the whole game, the villains in that game are hard to extreme extent. The only way to beat them is to die a 100 times and know their weakness, then die another 100 times while trying to exploit their weakness.
@Monkey D. Luffy: I personally didnt find any of the main story line bosses to be difficult only the missions' bosses are sometimes really hard. Also the last boss even in his 2 forms is easy as pie.
@Monkey D. Luffy: I personally didnt find any of the main story line bosses to be difficult only the missions' bosses are sometimes really hard. Also the last boss even in his 2 forms is easy as pie.
Guru from Mortal Combat 4 ^__^
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I think you mean Goro, although Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are equally evil and more iconic, but Goro will always be "the monster with the four arms".
Sephiroth is a Top 3 All Time villain, easily!
Sephiroth is a Top 3 All Time villain, easily!
Cristiano Ronaldo in Fifa 12 ... just kidding =p
Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 is the wickedest villain i've ever encountered in a videogame.

Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 is the wickedest villain i've ever encountered in a videogame.

Final Fantasy 7 is quite easy (storyline) but the missions boss are hard (the demon that can kill you in one hit)kareem_nasser wrote@Monkey D. Luffy: I personally didnt find any of the main story line bosses to be difficult only the missions' bosses are sometimes really hard. Also the last boss even in his 2 forms is easy as pie.
And the Goddess on the final mission (10) is freaking hard!
The final boss in bionetta on PS3

The mighty Nemesis :D
Al Mualim in the first Assassin's Creed is pretty underrated as well
Megacool you just brought back nightmares........
Scarecrow from Batman Arkham Asylum
I used to immerse myself so much back then, that I literally screamed when he jumped in from the windows the first time.
Vergil in DMC 3 on dante must die, or even heaven or hell difficulty. And not the final battle the one on mission 9 on the roof of temnigru.
its easy :O you just have to keep killing the bosses in nightmare difficulty for 50 years everyday to get to the required level and weapons heheNemesis-301 wrotediablo 2
good luck killing diablo on hell difficulty...
try nikhaltak in act5 in hell diff, with the 1.07patch
omg memoriessss!MegaCool wrote
The mighty Nemesis :D
Al Mualim in the first Assassin's Creed is pretty underrated as well
i almost died from fear playing this game when i was around 10, ever since, played it 9 times and will never get bored!
this is a real resident evil game! unlike re4-5, this game had what it takes to scare you,the music,the places!
haha imagine waking up and hearing STARS voice from next room
i have to go with sarah kerrigan,if one of you has played starcraft 1 and brood war, you'll know shes really "the queen b*t*h of the universe" (a quote by her in the game)
her character is so strong!
her character is so strong!