• Gaming
  • Greatest video game villain ?

Megacool you just brought back nightmares........
Scarecrow from Batman Arkham Asylum
Vergil in DMC 3 on dante must die, or even heaven or hell difficulty. And not the final battle the one on mission 9 on the roof of temnigru.
Nemesis-301 wrotediablo 2
good luck killing diablo on hell difficulty...
its easy :O you just have to keep killing the bosses in nightmare difficulty for 50 years everyday to get to the required level and weapons hehe
try nikhaltak in act5 in hell diff, with the 1.07patch
MegaCool wrotehttp://www.imfdb.org/w/images/2/22/Nemesis.jpg

The mighty Nemesis :D

Al Mualim in the first Assassin's Creed is pretty underrated as well
omg memoriessss!
i almost died from fear playing this game when i was around 10, ever since, played it 9 times and will never get bored!
this is a real resident evil game! unlike re4-5, this game had what it takes to scare you,the music,the places!
haha imagine waking up and hearing STARS voice from next room
i have to go with sarah kerrigan,if one of you has played starcraft 1 and brood war, you'll know shes really "the queen b*t*h of the universe" (a quote by her in the game)
her character is so strong!
shant wrote
MegaCool wrotehttp://www.imfdb.org/w/images/2/22/Nemesis.jpg

The mighty Nemesis :D

Al Mualim in the first Assassin's Creed is pretty underrated as well
omg memoriessss!
i almost died from fear playing this game when i was around 10, ever since, played it 9 times and will never get bored!
this is a real resident evil game! unlike re4-5, this game had what it takes to scare you,the music,the places!
haha imagine waking up and hearing STARS voice from next room
THIS IS SO TRUE! I hated the way they turned resident evil into house of the dead in resident evil 4 and 5. I finished Resident evil 2 and 3 and I simply loved them. The way nemesis came out, the puzzles, the environment, the music, the sounds... ahh.... so exhilarating. If you want to laugh, I finished like half of Resident evil 3 in some japanese or chinese edition, had to fit the characters together to know what is where needed. But later on got the English edition and finished it all.

Shame on Resident evil 4 and 5, they suck, got me quite enraged when I played 4.
shant wrotei have to go with sarah kerrigan,if one of you has played starcraft 1 and brood war, you'll know shes really "the queen b*t*h of the universe" (a quote by her in the game)
her character is so strong!
Wasn't Raynor the one who said that ?
---()--()--- wrote
shant wrotei have to go with sarah kerrigan,if one of you has played starcraft 1 and brood war, you'll know shes really "the queen b*t*h of the universe" (a quote by her in the game)
her character is so strong!
Wasn't Raynor the one who said that ?
no, sarah kerrigan says it to zeratul or tassadar (can't remember which,i think it was to zeratul)
raysor says "it may not be today honey, it may not be tomorrow, but rest assured i will be the one to kill you someday"
MegaCool wrotehttp://www.imfdb.org/w/images/2/22/Nemesis.jpg

The mighty Nemesis :D

Al Mualim in the first Assassin's Creed is pretty underrated as well
How about Albert Wesker ? The guy is a definition for epic coolness ! Let's just hope he didn't actually die in RE5!
Badieh wrote
shant wrote
MegaCool wrotehttp://www.imfdb.org/w/images/2/22/Nemesis.jpg

The mighty Nemesis :D

Al Mualim in the first Assassin's Creed is pretty underrated as well
omg memoriessss!
i almost died from fear playing this game when i was around 10, ever since, played it 9 times and will never get bored!
this is a real resident evil game! unlike re4-5, this game had what it takes to scare you,the music,the places!
haha imagine waking up and hearing STARS voice from next room
THIS IS SO TRUE! I hated the way they turned resident evil into house of the dead in resident evil 4 and 5. I finished Resident evil 2 and 3 and I simply loved them. The way nemesis came out, the puzzles, the environment, the music, the sounds... ahh.... so exhilarating. If you want to laugh, I finished like half of Resident evil 3 in some japanese or chinese edition, had to fit the characters together to know what is where needed. But later on got the English edition and finished it all.

Shame on Resident evil 4 and 5, they suck, got me quite enraged when I played 4.
i heard the english edition is censored,has less playable scenes and stuff compared to japanese version, is this true?
shant wrotei heard the english edition is censored,has less playable scenes and stuff compared to japanese version, is this true?
I'm not sure if this applied later on in game, but till where I reached, I did exactly the same things as far as I remember. Didn't feel or find anything different. However, I think the one that had such edition was Resident evil 1.
yes, resident evil 1 has 2 version
I have the directors cuts version, its really hard,still didn't play that one