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maybe you should see my skin :PGamer wroteAt least he is getting some sunlight, that guy is whiter than sour cream
My responseshant wrotemaybe you should see my skin :PGamer wroteAt least he is getting some sunlight, that guy is whiter than sour cream
but im only a geekGamer wroteMy responseshant wrotemaybe you should see my skin :PGamer wroteAt least he is getting some sunlight, that guy is whiter than sour cream
White and Nerdy
YES, YES IT DOESCruel.C0re wrotehttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/534037_371270342932660_251047451621617_983051_327366808_n.jpg
just saw it on Trolling-out-loud so i wanted to share it :P
indeed! those scare pranks are hilarious! it got me thinking to do some myself :P
really? dude, I don't know about you but, jackass is awesome!NuclearVision wrote@Nemesis Come on, what's funny about jackass?