Dirol wroteGuys, are those tests made through IPhone?! because HTTP speedtest doesn't show connection Grades.
Nope through a PC. The results are bad because Sodetel doesn't give you 4Mbps if you have a 4Mbps plan they give you <1Mbps + <1Mbps + <1Mbps +<1Mbps etc. So you need to run a download manager to get <4Mbps. They do that because it costs a lot less than giving us full 4Mbps and's Lebanon
Bad Company. If you want a good speedtest result then pay 100$ and get only 2Mbps..sad story
serenity wroteDirol wroteGuys, are those tests made through IPhone?! because HTTP speedtest doesn't show connection Grades.
Nope through a PC. The results are bad because Sodetel doesn't give you 4Mbps if you have a 4Mbps plan they give you <1Mbps + <1Mbps + <1Mbps +<1Mbps etc. So you need to run a download manager to get <4Mbps. They do that because it costs a lot less than giving us full 4Mbps and's Lebanon
Bad Company. If you want a good speedtest result then pay 100$ and get only 2Mbps..sad story
Thanks anyway, but what i meant the speedtest they made showed "Grades" like Grade A, or B which on pc HTTP test doesn't show up. How to get it?
amkahal wroteSpeedtest ping is higher than the cmd ping is because the packets used on the site are http, and the http at Terranet is routed via satellite, ICMP via fiber.
I'm on 1 Mbps plan and i feel youtube is slow, even though if upgrading may solve the issue, it seems that HTTP via satellite is making it slow, ain't it right?
And is it possible to redirect HTTP through ICMP route? if yes, would it be dangerous?
Guys, why don't we threaten/fear Sodetel with websites LOW level abusive acts?
Like if we email them telling them that if they don't fix the Ping thing we will abuse facebook and twitter so that their IPs get banned and they start to contact FB and twitter and etc, which will exhaust them.
Additionally, it will threaten all Sodetel's domain IPs to get banned from certain websites or domains, and cheers when they fear losing companies!
Remember, we have a dynamic IPs...and even if it has become hard to get fiber-optic IP which is for companies, companies are threatened also as overall with Sodetel whole IPs if abuse has reached a good amount.
I really don't like to hurt people, but it is too much from them and this is a way to cause them fear and we can't remain a standstill!
What do you think?! Who's with or against it?!
That is actually a pretty smart idea, besides the fact that it is completely unethical. But by doing so you could engage in a criminal act and because you emailed them you just identified yourself. On the other hand I doubt doing that will make them fix the ping.
We can make any LOW level abuse such as flood posting or whatever which is Not considered criminal act and won't bring the police. Maybe we can send them 2 or 3 emails from different and non-home locations :p and the rest engage in the process.
A good neck-lock because it will make fuss and bother at their side!
And regarding ethics, they are No. 1 unethical, not only because of the ping, but also a couple or few other things.
Even if, I still doubt they will improve the ping just because of that. At most they will identify the accounts doing that and discontinue their service (I'm not sure but I think it is in the contract).
As for the ethical part, acting against an unethical company by being unethical does not make it ethical.
THIS IS SO FUNNY LOL... i think someone at sodetel really fucked up this time, i was checking my Mb balance on my account i had about 600 Mb left last time i checked so i watched a couple of YouTube clips and went to check how much i spent ,turns out i have about 5GB left i was shocked then i realized that the username written at top is not mine ?its someone else s account ?could it be that their servers got messed up today or is the my account part of the website glitched?
Weird! lol.
mine is normal. and I have 97 ms ping :( that's cruel of them. giving me an awesome ping in my exam period.
As I speak, it's 7:05 PM & I have around 180ms ping from did they fix the latency problem?
I doubt :P its almost a new month just to cheer up the crowd that it might got fixed and to pay for a new month, But mine atm 99ms. Fingers crossed that it actually got fixed!
pfff we always occasionnaly get good pings and it always goes away
it is sunday, major companies are closed, universities are closed... they may route good internet to homes
Welcome back high latencies,
We missed you so muucchh !!!
have not seen a good latency in like 3 month lol wtf ? are you guys gettin good latency???its just not fair :P i want to play online without lagging like a noob
dude, it's the same with good latency or not(with sodetel I mean) because when you get good latency rest assured it will not last, and at some undefined moment your net will reset, disconnecting you from the game and giving you back the high latency
we need a permanent solution cause this is stupid
Just a question around here, does the Ping affect the loading time of a Web page ? Just while surfing normally ? If so I guess that a 500ms ping does make it noticeably slower, am I right ?
Αντνάν wroteJust a question around here, does the Ping affect the loading time of a Web page ? Just while surfing normally ? If so I guess that a 500ms ping does make it noticeably slower, am I right ?
Yeah it does make a difference.
Αντνάν wroteJust a question around here, does the Ping affect the loading time of a Web page ? Just while surfing normally ? If so I guess that a 500ms ping does make it noticeably slower, am I right ?
It means each time u click something it takes 0.5 sec to activate ur commend on their server so u can view the page then the downloading starts which takes more time depending on your download speed
where is our good ping fetching software that was promised?