They simply won't give you the paper that allows you to switch from Sodetel to a different ISP, and this paper is required for such procedure.
well the thing is with sodetel you need to put on the punisher outfit and head down to their company and just make allot of commotion ,they will be obliged to cancel your contract ...thats the way i did it. this is Lebanon after all, if that doesn't work well i would suggest you take a couple of grenades with you just in case :p (jk btw dont do that because its dangerous unless your Rambo).
id be using prepaid cards...what assholes! time to sue some ass
soditel blocked me of from the pirate bay lol ...i cant access the site after 12 from my pc ,anyone having the same problem?
romel wrotesoditel blocked me of from the pirate bay lol ...i cant access the site after 12 from my pc ,anyone having the same problem?
Same here !
well this sucks lol another reason to make us hate on them on the list :D
ok well i think the best way to outsmart them here is to download the magnet before 12am and let it run through the night :) cheers
yeah i tried that ,but it did not work
nvm it just worked thnx alot dude.

OK so the pirate bay is no longer accessible through sodetel even with silver surf you cannot access the magnet link to download anything you can just browse. no more free games music movies the reason we have internet lol ,and 400ms means no online games lol its better to have cable than be a sodetel subscriber .
@Romel, download a small software called "Freegate" let it run and then check if it's solves your problem.
By the way, there are plenty of other torrent websites around other than Pirate bay, i usually use Isohunt and i prefer it on Piratebay.
WTF I can't open the torrent website I use also o.O
serenity wroteMan, they say peak time 300-400 but it's ALWAYS at 300-400 so it's always peak time which means they have a lot more customers than the connection can handle. Funny, how they own themselves, this guy must have half a brain.
Btw all they will say is upgrade your net to a fixed IP because they make like 4x the profit. It costs them nothing to give you a fixed IP, but they make so much money out of it. Bastardooooooooo, we could sue them if we had a judiciary system rofl
Yes, good logical thing about having more customers than the connection can handle.

Actually i'm insisting that if we ALL do FLOOOD CALLS to the MOT Complaints and central investigations on 01-979316/19 or faxing them , it may end up getting up their noses and do something. Nevertheless the MOT policy is different from how it was before and from there's a chance in here.

We can tell about several similar complaints especially the FAD one about getting a fixed IP, the upload incorrect speed limit of 4 Mbps (@Aly, yes, the decree is NOT enforced on ISPs regarding the prices but the speeds should be universal), and etc...

You just pick certain couple of days to start and i'm willing to be the first volunteer. It is worthy to give a try after their bad acts toward us. Are you going to remain standstill!. You won't lose anything and it only costs few seconds of a call.

So who's in?
blue_bear wroteWTF I can't open the torrent website I use also o.O
pirate bay is down in to different people currently, they are experiencing some issues
romel wrotethe guy went quite for a minute than he said sory sir nothing we can do you can get the fixed ip for an extra 23$/per ,that was when i hung up in his face :)
HAHAHAHAH. Yes too much from them. We should flood them with emails under "fix the ping please" on a daily basis. They can't stop us all! seriously speaking!
shant wrotehow much does a fixed ip cost anyway? and what are the benefits?
shant, before the Fiber-Optic bandwidth capacity upgrades, i tried their fixed ip, in the beginning it was good like 100ms...then by time it started to reach 140-160ms, and when i asked a tech guy how came? He replied: "This is our service".
So, If you are NOT forced to stay like this then don't waste your precious TIME and MONEY on that and get another ISP subscription.
romel wrote[url][/url]
is it just me ? after 12 getting these speeds ?
I'm with terranet but currently connected to Ogero because no ports yet and i got the unlimited downloads at night through it. At 12:00 am, my speed goes stable without any problems: 1 Mbps plan speedtest at 12:00 and above: 0.80 Mbps download; 0.24 Mbps Upload.
Well, at 8 or 9 PM sometimes it goes to average, but anyhow in which way you play die, still better than Sodetel.
romel wrotewell the thing is with sodetel you need to put on the punisher outfit and head down to their company and just make allot of commotion ,they will be obliged to cancel your contract ...thats the way i did it. this is Lebanon after all, if that doesn't work well i would suggest you take a couple of grenades with you just in case :p (jk btw dont do that because its dangerous unless your Rambo).
Well done romel :).
@Shant: i encourage you to do this as well. Sodetel is getting up my nose :@ even though i changed my subscription already.
My ping is low again (lower than before that is)
It just magically got back to 198ms this morning !

But somehow, in BF3, its lagging even more than it was with 480ms !!! what the hell ?!
kk pirate bay is up so it was not sodetels fault -_- and i think flooding their lines might actually work specially if we all threaten them to stop paying or boycott them for a month maybe ??
Anyone else ping is fine today?!
hmm after i saw AVOlio post i have been dc/c for a while to see if i would get the same result, nothing so far least i got was 420ms. anyone else getting good ping please post your speedtest or pingtest result if possible.