Beej wrote1st i dont think this board supports 45nm cpus!
So any 45nm C2D is out of the question.
Am rocking a gtx 460 accompanied by a e5400 cpu, and am fine (attention FINE). From benchmarks, i know am only getting less than 40% of the gpu in some games.
Trust me a i3 2100 with h61 is all u need, if you want a cheap fast upgrade. Games will be affected, but you can only see windows experience at best is by getting an SSD. Surely the pc will be more responsive duo to faster proc/ram, but an ssd is another feeling.
Note that regardless of the manufacturer, here being ECS which HAD bad reputation and now is getting better, well your buying a board just to upgrade thats all. You dont need extra feature, or better power delivery since you are not able to oc in the 1st place. So your set, remember that board only have 2 slots, so fill em up in a smart way (get 8g ram). And a 460 is a good choice of a gpu, dont mind botlenecks or whatever, you will be fine. Its not like a game runs 60fps on an i5/i7 and run 25 on an i3... No the difference is small.
Anyway good luck with purchase.
Just for notes, I didn't mean Windows Experience Index, hence no capital letters except in Windows. I meant the Windows experience itself. Moving around the OS, browsing, surfing the internet, etc...
About the dual cores issue...well Dragon Age Origins ran 75% faster on a Quad Core compared to the same-clock Dual Core. If you're going for a 460, you might as well pay the 70-100$ difference and at least get an i5. Games are all moving forward to Quad Core. There may be some games coming forward that repeat history, or even surpass it.
About ECS: well in all cases I guess board quality does matter, even with H61. I mean, he does want the board to last, be stable, not overheat, support a bit of upgrades here and there, is it not so?