• Gaming
  • Most Anticipated Games of 2011

2011 is coming to an end but It's going to end with a bag load of games. What games are you most looking forward to and why?
I'm really psyched for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim because of the massive and beautiful environment and the beautiful landscape that Bethesda has worked so hard on, in addition to the amazing first person gameplay!
only 2 games,
call of duty mw3,because of it's great story.
battle field 3,because it's a great game :P
EDIT:I forgot about AC:revelations,great graphics,and great story
Diablo 3 hopefully might come out at the end of this year!
BF3, MW3, SKYRIM, what more to ask :P
3 epic games Nothing less and Nothing more!!!
1.Assassin's creed revelations
2.Battlefield 3
3.Modern Warfare 3
1 game beats the sh!t of all the mentioned games: Dota 2


Looking forward to Skyrim & Batman : Arkham City!
i see not a lot of ppl like SWTOR :P
Dying for Diablo 3 also SWTOR , Modern Warfare 3 , BF3 and DOTA 2
Mw3 mainly - even though it feels like a bad ass DLC update to the 2nd. Hope they get innovative this time round

I would throw in other games, but i know i wont play them much with Mw3 being released.
The-MMMs wroteMw3 mainly - even though it feels like a bad ass DLC update to the 2nd. Hope they get innovative this time round

I would throw in other games, but i know i wont play them much with Mw3 being released.
I just want you to check out the last 10 sec Multiplayer Teaser Here
Dota 2
GoW Origins
Arkham City
Dark Souls
AC: Revelations
Chup wrote
The-MMMs wroteMw3 mainly - even though it feels like a bad ass DLC update to the 2nd. Hope they get innovative this time round

I would throw in other games, but i know i wont play them much with Mw3 being released.
I just want you to check out the last 10 sec Multiplayer Teaser Here
yeah, can't wait, will most probably get this for both Ps3 and PC as well, although i wont be able to play it much on release due to university mainly.

Notice how in the kill feed he gets an AC-130 kill and the 14point Killstreak reward as Juggernaught .. there is more than meets the eye to this video :P
Notice how in the kill feed he gets an AC-130 kill and the 14point Killstreak reward as Juggernaught .. there is more than meets the eye to this video :P
Hence the word teaser =D
Padre wrotei see not a lot of ppl like SWTOR :P
I read it was 40 gigs of download, good luck getting that :P.

Skyrim alllllllllll the way!